Admission Requirements
- Meet all college general requirements for admission as a degree-seeking student (as stated in the catalog) and be admitted to the college.
- See "Programs with Special Admissions Requirements," in the college catalog.
- Complete all required Learning Support courses by the end of the fall semester prior to the year in which admission is sought.
- Have earned a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or above on a 4.0 scale for academic subjects. The high school GPA is used for students who have earned less than 12 college credit hours. An applicant who has not earned 12 credit hours of college level credit that has no high school GPA must have an average standard score of at least 450 on the GED® or 45 on the HiSET®.
- A general orientation will be held in the Introduction to Medical Laboratory course offered each January. This offers ample time to acquaint the student with the program and offers a chance for the student to have their questions answered. Another orientation session will be held in May for the class that is selected to the program.
- All program application requirements must be completed before February 28. This includes the review of the MLT Applicant Handbook.
- Before beginning the MLT program, all students are expected to have the following abilities upon which the program can build:
- Vision: Able to read and interpret charts, graphs, and labels: read and interpret instrument panels and printouts; discriminate colors, hue, shading or intensity and clarity; read microscopic material and record results.
- Speech and Hearing: Able to communicate effectively and sensitively in order to assess non-verbal communication; adequately and accurately transmit information; follow verbal or written communication; have clarity of speech especially if English is not one's first language.
- Motor Functions: Possess all skills necessary to carry out diagnostic procedures; manipulate tools, instruments and equipment, perform phlebotomy safely and accurately; travel to a clinical site for clinical experience.
- Behavioral Requirements: Possess the emotional health required for full utilization of applicant's intellectual abilities; be able to recognize emergency and take appropriate action.
- Physical Requirements: Able to complete fine repetitive hand movements; twist and bend; handle flammable and infectious materials; handle hazardous chemicals and electrical equipment; lift ten (10) pounds; maintain prolonged sitting or standing positions; maintain concentration with distracting noises and close proximity to fellow workers; tolerate unpleasant odors; work in buildings either above or below ground level; work in an environment without windows; perform keyboarding.
- Critical Thinking: Able to appropriately and accurately perform complex interpretative testing.
- Professionalism: Able to maintain a professional attitude and appearance as described in the MLT Student Manual.
- In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, students are encouraged to register with the Disability Resources Center for possible assistance with accommodations. It is the student's responsibility to voluntarily and confidentially provide appropriate documentation regarding the nature and extent of a disability. Students requesting accommodation are (strongly) encouraged to contact the Disability Resources Center at the beginning of the semester. Students may contact the Disability Resources Counselor at 931.540.2857.
- College credit for Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II, Microbiology and the required college level math course (Elementary Statistics) must be within the past five years to count toward the MLT degree or the course(s) must be repeated and have a minimum passing grade of C or higher.
Completion of all items listed above denotes eligibility for consideration into the MLT Program but in no way implies or guarantees admission to the program.
Once admitted, students are required to submit documentation of the following entry requirements prior to the first day of clinical assignment. If the documentation is not completed prior to the first day of clinical assignment, students will not be permitted to go to clinical.
- Health Requirements: All MLT students must submit evidence of good health by returning a completed Physical Examination form. Forms are given to the student upon acceptance into the program. All students must have a:
- Documented negative TB skin test and/or chest x-ray yearly. TB skin tests must be within three months of the start of the program.
- Evidence of Immunity for:
- Rubella (positive titer).
- Varicella zoster (chicken pox) (positive titer).
- Rubeola titer (positive titer).
- Tetanus/diphtheria booster within the past ten years.
- Hepatitis B.
- Seasonal current Influenza immunization
- Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Requirements: All admitted students must submit evidence of current BCLS certification (must include two-person CPR) for the health care professional. BCLS certification classes are offered by Columbia State Community College, health care organizations or the American Heart Association.
- Malpractice insurance is required for all medical laboratory clinical practicum courses. A group policy is available. The fee is assessed annually as a part of the registration fees.
- Health insurance is required. Students must provide evidence of health insurance coverage before clinical assignments may begin.
- Criminal background checks and routine drug screens are required at most affiliated clinical training sites as a condition of participation in clinical education. Based on the results of these tests, an affiliated clinical site may determine to not allow your presence at their facility. This could result in the inability to successfully complete the requirements of a specific course and the program. More information is available from the program director.
- Attend an educational session related to the benefits of the Hepatitis B vaccine and, if not already immunized, complete the vaccination series. Students are required to provide results of a titer documenting levels of immunity to program or institutional officials.
Admissions Procedures
- Submit the following to the Admissions office:
- Completed Application for Admission to the College.
- Official college transcripts from all colleges previously attended.
- High school transcripts or High School Equivalency Diploma - HSE (GED® or HiSET®).
- ACT or SAT exam results.
- Attend the Introduction to Medical Laboratory class orientation.
- Submit completed program application forms received at the preliminary interview/orientation by February 28.
- If an applicant does not meet the admission criteria, he/she will be notified in writing. If the applicant wishes to complete his/her file and application to establish eligibility for consideration the following year, remaining requirements must be submitted and the program director must be notified of the intent in writing.
Continuation/Retention Requirements
In order to continue in the MLT Program, students must meet the following academic requirements:
- Earn a "C" or higher in each MLAB course and each required math and science course.
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 after admission and prior to enrollment as well as during each term of enrollment in the program.
- Maintain professional conduct as outlined in the MLT Student Policy Manual.
- Enroll in all required general education courses during (or before) the semester listed in the curriculum outline.
- Submit annual TB skin test results to the Health Sciences Records Clerk's office in the William R. Walter Bldg. on the Columbia campus.
- Maintain evidence of uninterrupted medical insurance coverage in designated program/institutional offices.
Students who do not meet the continuation requirements will be dismissed from the Medical Laboratory Technology Program. Students who have been dismissed from the program may be qualified to continue courses in the college, but will not be permitted to register in MLAB courses without readmission to the program.
Academic Advising
Although educational decisions are ultimately the student's responsibility, it is important that every student receive academic advising to ensure the best possible choices are made. All Faculty advisors are available to students for consultation and maintain regular office hours for this purpose. Students will be assigned advisors by mid-term of their first semester of study. Students may print a Degree Audit Evaluation by accessing their MyChargerNet account. These printouts will indicate the courses remaining toward particular degrees or certificates.
It is the policy of Columbia State that no person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity on the basis of sex. Columbia State shall ensure that equal opportunity and nondiscrimination exist on the basis of sex for students in all education programs and activities, including but not limited to, the following: (1) recruitment and admission; (2) academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training, health-related training and other education programs; (3) rules on student life activities: (4) housing; (5) facilities; (6) access to course offerings; (7) counseling; (8) financial assistance; (9) employment assistance; (10) health and insurance benefits and services; (11) rules on marital or parental status; and (12) athletics.
Inquires concerning this statement, its application to students, or any regulations subsequently developed should be directed to the Director of Human Resources, Room 116, Pryor Administration Building, Columbia State Community College, 1665 Hampshire Pike, Columbia, TN 38401, 931.540.2521.