Attention, Students!
- Want to win money?
- Want to see your artwork posted all over campus?
- Enter Columbia State’s Art Contest
The college is about to begin a five-year Quality Enhancement Plan to improve our courses to enhance critical thinking skills.
Category 1:
Create an icon/logo/badge to represent our Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) using the catchy title “Thinking Critically, Growing Purposefully” or its acronym TCGP
Category 2:
Create a poster size (min. 11 X 14) portrait representing and including the full title “Thinking Critically, Growing Purposefully”
First place for each category is $100 gift card
Second place for each category is $50 gift card
Consideration given for creativity, implementation of topic, and aesthetics. Can be paint, pencil, or computer graphic artwork (min. resolution 1375 x 1750 pixels)
Deadline: Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Submit artwork to or in-person at the welcome desk on the first floor of the Finney Library, Columbia Campus.